i-InTeLEC 2021 – International Innovation in Teaching & Learning | Language Education Conference
We are pleased to announce that the Language Centre UBD, in collaboration with the Academy of Language Studies (APB) of Universiti Teknologi Mara, Kedah Branch (UiTM), will be holding a joint-conference on the 9th to 10th November 2021, with the theme “Education 5.0 – Exploring New Frontiers in Language and Education”. The conference, which will take place virtually, will include several events as follows:
Several events will take place virtually during the conference:
- Research workshop on “Publications in high-impact journals”;
- Language Education Conference (LEC) – paper presentations in virtual parallel sessions;
- Forum: Round Table Discussion on the theme of “The future of teaching in the digital age: Opportunities and challenges” with invited speakers;
- International Innovation in Teaching and Learning competition (i-InTeL);
- International Creative Presentation Award (ICPA) – video presentations open for all students.
The Research workshop will be facilitated by Associate Professor Dr Nor Fariza Mohd Nor of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) on the first day of the conference. The second day of the conference will include all other events. The Keynote speech will be delivered by Associate Professor Dr Andrew Littlejohn of UBD who is an expert in English Language Education. The panelists for the Forum: Round Table Discussion are Professor Dr Ahmad Mazli Haji Muhammad of APB UiTM Kedah, Associate Professor Noor Azam Haji-Othman (Dean of FASS, UBD), Associate Professor Dr Andrew Littlejohn (Deputy Dean of Research at SHBIE, UBD), and Dr Juliana Shak (Lecturer at SHBIE, UBD). This will be followed by the announcement of winners for the i-InTeL (International Innovation in Teaching and Learning and ICPA (International Creative Presentation Award) competitions.
For more information, please visit the website https://iintelecuitm.wixsite.com/iintelec2021

As a build-up to the conference, APB UiTM Kedah and Language Centre UBD will be conducting two webinars in September, with each session aiming to prepare participants for the innovation competition i-InTeL and presenters for paper presentations for LEC. The sessions will be facilitated by Puan Sharina of UiTM Kedah and Dr Ishamina Athirah Muntassir (Gardiner) of LC UBD respectively.

International Creative Presentation Award (ICPA)
This video presentation award is open for all students:
Come and participate in the International Creativity Presentation Award 2021 which is jointly organised by UBD’s Language Centre and UiTM Kedah’s APB.
Stand a chance to win cash prize by submitting a creative video to this international competition in various categories and in a variety of languages. This is a great way let your creativity flow and showcase your talent in languages. It could be the perfect project for in between semesters and will help boost your CV!
For more information, please see the flyer below. To register, please scan the QR code in the flyer.