Staff > Ms. Min

Dr. Min Shen

Deputy Director

Mandarin, Lecturer

Deputy Director Office, 3rd floor,
Language Centre / University Technology Hub (UTH) building

Academic Background

  • PhD in Education, University of Malaya
  • MA Regional Studies (University of Malaya)

  • BA Asian Language and Literature (Beijing Foreign Studies University)

Teaching Areas

  • Mandarin Language

  • ASEAN Language for Brunei Studies

  • Mandarin for Chemical Engineering

Research Areas

  • Chinese Language Education
  • Dissemination Chinese Language
  • TCSL
  • Chinese Syntax (applied linguistics)
  • Language in Culture and Society (sociolinguistics)
  • Intercultural Studies

• Shen, M., Peng, C. F., Teng, Y. T., & Hua, F. (2022). Chinese ESL instructors’ beliefs and practices of intercultural education in a ubiquitous environment. In Intercultural Communication and Ubiquitous Learning in Multimodal English Language Education (pp. 68-88). IGI Global. 

• Chua, N. A., Soon, G. Y., Ibrahim, M. Y., Noh, C. H. C., Mansor, N. R., Eusoff, A. M. E., … & Shen, M. (2022). The Mandarin oral mastery programme as perceived by non-native learners. Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS)7(1), 1-23. Shen, M., Peng, C. F., Teng, Y. T., Hua, F., & Chua, N. A. (2022, May). Impact of instructor’ content knowledge on their online intercultural English teaching instructional beliefs. In 2022 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Technologies in Education (CSTE) (pp. 55-58). IEEE. 

• 闵申. (2022).文莱中文教育百年发展的经验与启示(A Century’s Experience and Inspiration in the Evolvement of Chinese Education in Brunei ). Journal of Yunan Normal University(Teaching and Research on Chinese as A Foreign Language Edition), 20(6):19-28. 

• Chua, N. A., Soon, G. Y., Ibrahim, M. Y., Noh, C. H. C., Mansor, N. R., Zaid, C. M., … & Shen, M. (2021). Virtual differentiated instruction and its implementation in Mandarin teaching: A review. Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS)6(2), 231-249. 

• Huszka, B., Akita, Y., & Shen, M. (2021). Language economy and its implications for language teaching: Data and evidence. LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary Research2(1), 33-40. 

• Chua, N. A., Tajuddin, A. J. B. A., Soon, G. Y., Shen, D. M., Zakaria, R., Almanar, M. A., & Fatmariana, S. (2020, April). Emerging truths in Mandarin mobile-assisted language learning. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1529, No. 4, p. 042049). IOP Publishing. 

• Shen, M. (2019). Examining the implementation of a flipped Chinese classroom in a university in Brunei Darussalam: A mixed method research. EDUCARE, 11(2), 139-156. 

• Shen, M. (2017). Investigation into phonological attrition among beginner Chinese Mandarin language learners. Macrolinguistics,6(5),95 –106,

• Shen, M. (2012, Jun.). Challenges and Problems of Developing Professional Chinese Education in Multi-lingual Environment: A Case Study of Brunei Darussalam. In: International Conference on Chinese for Special Purposes and Teaching Chinese Culture, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, 16-17 June2012.

• Shen, M.(2010, Jun.). Culture Phenomenon and Difficulties in Southeast Asian Chinese Literature Development: A Case Study of Brunei Darussalam. In: the 4th International Conference “Issues of Far Eastern Literatures”, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, June 2010.

• Shen, M. (2006, Jun.11).The Economic Diversification Processes In Asian and African Oil Producing Countries (亚非产油国都搞多元化).The Global Times(环球时报), pp17.

• Shen, M. (2006, Feb.15). Computer-Mediated Chinese Slang and Chinese Language Education(“火星文”是小圈子里的私房话). The Global Times(环球时报). pp23.

•Cogent Education  (Taylor & Francis)

•Cogent Arts & Humanities (Taylor & Francis)

• Chinese Language and Communication programmes

• Editorial services such as proofreading and translating (Chinese, Malay, English).