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Blended Learning Technology

All undergraduate students take two compulsory breadth modules in English Communicaition Skills; LE1503 which focuses on Academic Reading and Essays; and LE2503 which focuses on Academic Reports and Presentations. The two modules are now delivered in a blended learning mode where students watch video lectures online in their own time and then attend face to face seminars in which they are able to practice what they have learnt in the online lectures and consolidate their understanding. Students completing the new two-module program gain skills that help them manage the academic demands of their studies while at the university.

LE2503 Video Hightlights

As part of their coursework for LE 2503 English Communication Skills II: Academic Report Writing and Presentations, students were required to submit a video in which they presented key findings of their research report for this subjec The video above is a compilation of excerpts from some of the best. None are perfect, but all of them display some excellent features and many show a great balance of fun, hard work and academic style. Congratulations to these students (and many others) who did an excellent job in their report and in their video. Thank you to all of the students whose work appears on the video for granting permission to use it to help future students of the course.